Swiss Indoors Basel to cooperate with virtual advertising expert uniqFEED

Zürich/Basel (pts010/19.10.2017/09:30) – Swiss Indoors Basel not only rely on LED advertising but also cooperates with Zurich-based virtual advertising specialist uniqFEED to be ready for the future of the virtual advertising. The close collaboration began in 2015 with the first virtual advertising tests and a hidden live-test in 2016. uniqFEED virtually replaces stadium advertising with virtual logos in the various television feeds to target different advertising markets.

Virtual advertising allows television/stream viewers in various countries to watch the same game, yet see different ads within the stadium – these are virtually replaced by Zurich-based uniqFEED AG. „We can increase total advertising profits, while assuring optimal targeting. In the case of Swiss Indoors Basel we can increase the number of potential sponsors from global sponsors to regional sponsors, who only advertise in certain markets“, says uniqFEED CEO Lukas Gysin.

Quality standards and expectations

Virtual advertising not only has great potential, but also has to meet high expectations while avoiding potential risks. A truly reliable virtual solution must function independently from cameras and perimeter boards. Lukas Gysin says that quality and liability issues could arise: „Different tournaments use different providers for perimeter boards and different broadcasters. As a virtual advertising provider we do not want to tamper with other systems, as quality and liability issues could arise.“ Hence an ideal solution is entirely software-based and does not tamper with any hardware whatsoever. „We also need to assure that the solution works on more than one single camera and with various camera types from spider cams to Steadicams in the mid- and in the long-term“, mentions Lukas Gysin.

A larger advertiser base, real-time reporting and better targeting

Marc Zimmermann, Deputy Tournament Director at Swiss Indoors Basel, sees immense potential in virtual advertising: „Virtual advertising with our partner uniqFEED will allow us in the future to become even more attractive to sponsors, as we are able to target viewers in multiple international markets with tailored virtual in-stadium advertising. Our sponsors hence reach their target groups even better and thanks to real-time reporting we can guarantee airtime for specific ads and brands.“ At the same time, as technology advances, right holders must assure that sponsors are made aware of these new advertising possibilities and embrace the potential arising from virtual advertising. „We need to assure utmost quality regarding reliability of the solution as well as a consistently great look & feel in the mid- and long-term“, says Marc Zimmermann. Once a solution is communicated to sponsors and advertisers choosing a different provider and changing systems could backfire on the tournament, hence taking the time to get the decision for a provider right is of the utmost importance.

uniqFEED media relations Stephan Lendi T: +41 79 501 56 59 E:


Aussender: uniqFEED AG Ansprechpartner: Stephan Lendi Tel.: +41 44 500 43 32 E-Mail: Website: